I am Titilayo and trying for a child through IVF.
I am Titilayo and trying for a child through IVF.
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Lansdowne, PA (US)
Titilayo Ayeni is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Campaign Story
My name is Titilayo Ayeni, I am 45 years old, and I am seeking for help ⁰ to fund my IVF procedure, I have been trying to have a child now for over ten years, i have no medical conditions,
it’s just that am not getting pregnant. and I am not financially able to get IVF,
And that is why I am here to seek the help of good American, male and female to help me carry my baby. Thank you.
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Titilayo Ayeni is organizing this fundraiser.